Pulse therapy popular for people, and horses
So effective: Syd Carpenter swears by the Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Machine which he and his clients use to alleviate pain.
After a four-metre fall which resulted in a cut that was too big to stitch, Mooloolah resident Brett Redman was in pain and there was little that could be done about it.
“I had fallen onto the corner tray of my ute,” Brett said. “I was actually knocked out, and I was cut from just above my knee, all the way up my hamstring. It was too wide to be stitched and I was in a bad way and experiencing a lot of pain and soreness pretty much everywhere.”
Jenny and Syd Carpenter (who also own Nambour Feed and Horse Gear), suggested he try their PEMF machine (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy), to get some relief from the soreness and pain.
After the first session, the soreness and redness was completely gone from around the wound,” Brett said. “It was funny, because prior to that, I was still very sore all over. I could feel the pulse going through me and reaching all of the areas that were especially painful. It seemed to target those areas. The experience was not painful or uncomfortable in any way.”
In total, Brett had 3 sessions, two days apart. “I could not believe how the PEMF accelerated the healing,” Brett said. “And neither could my Doctor.
Jenny and Syd said Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy increased the blood flow to any area where there was trauma or damage.
“Magnetic fields surround every living thing so it’s not surprising that the strength of this energy field is directly associated with our health and wellbeing,” said Jenny. “We originally bought the machine to help Syd overcome an ongoing back and sciatica problem, and we have also used it to help abscesses heal. We use it on our own horses to alleviate any stiffness or soreness they may have.”
Every cell in our body holds an electromagnetic charge and recent studies have shown that when cells are unhealthy and not performing properly, their voltage lowers.
“Researchers have discovered that PEMF recharges and then accumulates energy within the cell,” said Jenny. “This enables better oxygenation and increases the ph of the cell. This is important because sick cells are almost always acidic. PEMF contributes to much better circulation which transport nutrients and also oxygen to the cell. At the same time, PEMF maximises the cells’ functionality to eliminate waste, providing detoxification,” she said.
The PEMF machine Jenny and Syd use was developed in the US, and can be used on people or animals. “Given that we are dealing with horse owners and pet owners in general in our main business, it made sense for us to promote the PEMF machine,” Jenny said.
“I think the best thing about the PEMF is that it is gentle, painless and non invasive but at the same time, so effective.”
Brett Redman agreed. “It is hands down incredible. I have previously used it on my horses for soreness but, having used it myself, I know how good it feels.
“I can’t speak highly enough about it. Jenny and Syd are so happy to help and see others enjoy the same results and benefits that they have experienced themselves.”
• Information: Nambour Feed and Horse Gear 26 Price Street Nambour, Phone 5441 3687.